
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Boston blackout and tiny living spaces

I unexpectedly had the day off of work today due to a power outage in the Back Bay area of Boston, which is where I work. There was a transformer fire and the power has been off in the area since last night. I slept in, watched some tv and cleaned out my closet, which I've been meaning to do for a while now.

I then got sucked into watching videos and reading up on tiny houses and apartments online. I live in a studio and often complain about needing more space but now I feel silly complaining. I just need to make better use of my living space. I've been on all day. I'm really fascinated by how much use people can get out of small spaces.


  1. I am fascinated with people who can live in such small areas. There is a reason you never see those people on Hoarders.

    1. I was thinking about Hoarders and how tiny living would be their nightmare.

  2. It's really quite amazing how little space you actually need. In general I think big houses are overrated in this country. I'd MUCH rather have a small space in the city than a huge house and a huge yard in the middle of nowhere. There is so much more to do nearby. It's so much easier to clean and maintain. And the lack of space is a good motivator to not buy lots of unnecessary stuff.

    This site has a lot of cool videos of small living spaces:

    1. very true Charlie. I agree.

      I love that site!

  3. Does your apartment feel huge now? Although, it might be worth a view like that.

    1. It really does! I can't believe I was complaining before.

  4. Hehe, I love this. I just stumbled upon your blog (NEW Follower!) I have written something about my tiny apartment recently too... COINCIDENCE!

    We probably waste all our small spaces and I like to use the floor as my wardrobe. I am campaigning to my other half for a bigger house. Eek!

    Love Elle xo

  5. Thanks for being a follower :)

    even if I use the floor of the closet as a wardrobe it's still in the closet at least.
