
Saturday, December 31, 2011

The final 2011 recap now with pictures!

I hope you enjoyed my 2011 recaps. I had fun doing it and hopefully will be more prepared next year. I'm taking notes so I don't forget what I liked in 2012. That's right I'm taking notes and I'm doing it all for you and my blog.

2011 went by way too fast. I have to say it was a pretty great year (I mean Devon Sawa knows I exist!). You hear that 2012? You better live up to all of my expectations. I think it will. I'll be an aunt in 2012. Let's not forget the Hunger Games movie! March seems so far away!

I think my only "resolutions" are to continue building my savings and paying down my credit cards. Pretty simple. Otherwise I'm perfect so there's no need to change anything. I'm like Mary Poppins over here.

I take a lot of pictures with my phone so I thought I'd share a few from 2011.

I hope all of you have a great New Years Eve and thank you for reading. I love your comments and try to visit all of your blogs.


  1. kittyyyyy!! so cute. Happy new year!

  2. That last one is the best thing I've ever seen xoxo
    -tiny tiny backpack
