
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Night in and lap battles

Last night I stayed in and watched One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest with the kitties. They kept fighting for lap space. Bosco eventually won by sitting on Mr. Binx until he got annoyed and left.

I've decided this year to watch as many classic films as I can. There are so many I haven't seen. I think that's a good goal and one I can actually accomplish in 2012.

More movies tonight, although I don't know if Aliens is considered a classic and I've seen it many times. It's a Ginny classic.


  1. I agree that Aliens should be a classic...awesome film - I'm settling down to watch Blade Runner this evening.

    1. I watched Blade Runner on Netflix instant for the first time recently. I don't know what took me so long.

  2. I would call it a classic.

    I still haven't seen One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest despite having stolen (read: borrowed and forgot to return) it from a coworker like three years ago. Oops.

    1. It's a pretty good movie. I should read the book too at some point.
