
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Really Justin Bieber?

Justin Bieber Slams Price William's Thinning Hair

First of all Bieber, who the heck are you? I mean you're a kid making fun of a Prince's hair. William will one day be King you will one day be mentioned on a message board as a "hey what ever happened to him?" And just so you know, Prince William had a full head of hair at your age.

I tried to google pictures of Justin Bieber's father to see if he still had hair and I couldn't find a single picture of him without a hat on. So I'm going to jump to conclusions here and say that Justin Bieber's father is balding and that one day Justin will be on an infomercial for Propecia because he can't get any other work.

I'm probably going to get hate comments from Bieber fans and that's ok. I need to stand up and have my voice heard on important issues such as this.

P.S. Justin Timberlake is a million times better than you will ever be so back off you little punk


  1. GAH. That kid is such a douche canoe. For real.

  2. Also Prince William's pick-up line to Kate Middleton was probably "Hey baby. I'm going to be King of England. What's up?"

    And Justin Bieber can say...


    1. "hey baby I'm still a baby." Yea that doesn't work so well

  3. The only hate you're going to get from me is that you got Justin Bieber's gender wrong.

  4. This? Was awesome. And for some reason, I picture Older Justin Bieber as Biff from the end of Back to the Future - wearing shell suits and detailing people's cars for a living.


    I intensely dislike Justin Bieber. Everytime he opens his mouth he sounds like such an entitled douchebag.

    To be fair though, I never expected anything different. He never stood a chance really.

  6. See, I mean I don't listen to Bieber, I do not get the appeal but I do not hate him. I just choose not to listen, I mean if I was an 11 year old girl I am sure I would be all kinds of -the turned-on-version-for-eleven-year-old-girls. But his fandom does annoy me a bit, but I was fine with it, until he showed up on the cover of my Rolling Stone, that made me angry. Grrrrrr.

  7. You are brave for potentially facing the Bieber fans. Then again, I'm pretty sure you'll have like 98% of all bloggers backing you up.

    1. I think my readership is over the teen age.
